Wisconsin Drywall Contractors Insurance
Drywall contractors insurance in Wisconsin is one of our specialties! WI drywall contractors and tapers from Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Waukesha, Janesville, Green Bay, Madison… The entire state of Wisconsin is lined up for our great rates. Many times, it’s $482.00 for one year for one owner in Wisconsin.
If you think that rocks, the limits are $1,000,000/$3,000,000 with no property deductible! On top of that, it has additional insured status built in if required by a written contract. Stop paying a top dollar of your Wisconsin drywall contractors insurance, sanding, and taping insurance.
Let me explain what drywall contractors’ insurance and tapers insurance is. It’s simply general liability insurance. Now, general liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage claims. Also, liability protection for your premises, products, operations, and completed operations. The property damage coverage is not your property, it is for other than what you are working on. Insurance companies don’t cover your work and have a “Your Work” exclusion. You can sometimes buy some coverage back by adding a voluntary property damage coverage endorsement. We normally see limits such as $2,500 or $5,000 with smaller contractors. Stay away from Chinese drywall claims too!
Common limits of general liability insurance for Wisconsin drywall insurance are $300,000/$600,000, $500,000/$1,000,000 and $1,000,000/$2,000,000. The first number is the occurrence limit or per claim limit. The second figure is the maximum payable in one policy year or policy term.
For a more detailed definition, click here: General Liability Insurance.
One of our mottos is “Before you renew… Check with you know who”. The who is us. LOL. Your Wisconsin contractor’s insurance professionals are just a click away. Read our Bio, then request your quote. Complete our quick quote form to the right or call and leave the shopping to us. Dial 952-222-8073. Let’s do business!